Architectural Review Guidelines
The Architectural Control Committee (ACC) is a committee of owners who reviews all new construction and exterior changes to existing property or landscape for compliance with the Declaration of Covenants. The committee is required by Florida Law for the purpose of enforcing community standards in order to protect an owner and his neighbors in a private community.
If an owner plans to add any driveway, garage, dock, shed, walkway, storage building, greenhouse, fence, swimming pool, gazebo, or other major landscape addition, they must first fill out a Construction Agreement and submit it to the ACC before any work is started. The term landscaping shall apply to any major change to the existing landscape that requires grading, filling, or any other activity that could affect the drainage of storm water nearby. Also, any major tree removal must be approved by the ACC if the trees in question meet the requirements as outlined in the Magnolia Bay covenants. The form must be filled out completely, outlining the project in detail with accompanying drawings/plans, start dates, and names of licensed contractors who may be hired. The Construction Agreement must be signed and dated by the homeowner and the contractor, if one will be used. Click on this link for access to a blank Construction Agreement.
Once the form is completely filled out and submitted to the ACC, they will review it and vote on the project. If the project gets a green light from the ACC, the President of that committee passes it on to the Magnolia Bay Board of Directors for a final vote. The homeowner will be notified as soon as possible about the outcome. If the project is voted down, the ACC will meet with the homeowner to let them know why the project did not get approved. If the project is approved, construction can begin immediately.
The ultimate goal of the ACC is to make sure all construction within the boundaries of Magnolia Bay adheres to current covenants that outline the overall style of the community.